David Rogers Ministries
In Times of Political change.
In this time of political change and turmoil it is important to remember the teaching that we should love our neighbour and welcome the stranger. The recent elections have caused friction within communities and things have been said which people may come to regret. When we live in a community whether it be large or small, it is important to care for our neighbour even if they have different political view to yourself. We all need to remember in this season of good will to all people, that if there is a disaster it will be your neighbour who will help you, not politicians. Our neighbours are there for us when things go wrong and that’s why it is important for us to care for each other and not let political division separate communities.
See the introductions to the various section on this website below to help you to find your way around the site.
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Reflections by Bandana Preacher (David Rogers)
Welcome to the website, I hope you find it thought provoking.
Below is a reflection 'In Times of Political change'. On the worship page, prayers, bible reading 1 Thessalonians 3: 9-13. Hymn; "O Come, O Come, Emmanuel" on the You Tube Link, which may help with your meditations.
The site examines modern social, moral and faith issues from a Christian perspective, with the aim of helping people to understand the issues, how they can affect us and suggests areas for personal reflection. You can also read and reflect on the various blogs on the Blog Pages
The summary below gives a taste is the various pages content. (scroll down to see page guide)
The Information and events page has a list of international days of awareness, please take a look..
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We live in a world that needs a whole lot of love, love of others particularly those who are homeless, persecuted and exploit by the greedy and selfish.
St Paul tells us: “Love is patient and kind; love is not jealous or boastful; it is not arrogant or rude. Love does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrong but rejoices in right. (1 Corinthians 13.4-6.). We pray that our world can be filled with a love that drives out hate and violence.
We celebrate the birth of Jesus whose message was of love and peace. We have the knowledge that through all the changes in our lives and the world in which we live you are with us. We give thanks to our God for his loving presence that is always with us. Lord we sometimes wonder why we must go through difficult time in our lives which can lead us to forget that you are by our side in the good time as well as the bad. Help us through your Holy Spirit to place our complete trust in you. Guide us in how we led our lives. Help us to show to all people even the one’s will find it difficult to like your love, care and compassion. Thank you, Lord, for always being with us and the love you showed us through the life and ministry of Jesus.
The Blogs page contains a number of blogs which have been written to help people going through challenging times. The blog are written from a Christian perspective using Bible readings to help illustrate the central subject area of the reflections. These reflections seek to help people relate their faith to the modern world.
The Information and Events page, provides a list of awareness days which have their own websites. This is updated on a regular basis. Dates of other events and information on the writer can also be found on this page.
This is not a commercial website. However it does seek to encourage people to help others.
This site considers some of the issues people face 21st century:
The links on this site are to some of the sites which have helped the writer develop his perspective on the subject areas examined, provide some of the information used on the site and also suggestions on how people can help others.
If you are interested in reading more about the subjects in the articles, why not take a look at some of the links.
The Social Issues pages focus of some of the social problem we face in the 21st Century.
The main page looks at a wide range of issues including exploitation on the poor, the plight of children, as way as other issues.There are pages which looks at caring for others, plus other care issues with reflections on the parable of the Good Samaritan, also the problems created by poverty, and the damage to the environment.
The Moral Challenges pages examine the moral issues we face, our moral development and reflects on sin and virtue.
The moral and ethical challenges created by greed, selfishness, money, and how our attitudes to these issues can have a negative impact on other people and the environment. The work and business page has an initial article. The other pages looks at a wide range of other moral issues.
The Reflections pages.
People of Faith face many new challenges the reflection pages contains reflections on faith issues and asks questions like why should we go to church?
Reflections and articles based around the Sermon on the Mount. The Prayer and reflection pages are is still growing. These pages seek to help people think about their relationship with God and their worship of him.
Also take a look at the blogs which have a series of reflections.
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