David Rogers Ministries
The Easter message appears to be falling on deaf ears.
I watch the TV with growing despair at what appears to be politicians desire to engage in wars and conflict. We are celebrating Easter which is about overcome the old attitudes of hate and conflict and replacing them with love. Easter is a time for renewal and a fresh start. Surely its time politician and those who seek to achieve their power objects by force, learned from Jesus and show love and compassion to others human beings, instead of engaging in violence and warfare, like thugs in a Saturday night bar brawl.
A Moral Challenge
We read of people not being truthful, robbery, murder, rape and human trafficking. Our TV’s regularly shows grotesque violence and explicit sex. We should ask what is the mentality of the people who produce and watch these programmes? Is it any wonder that we live in such a violence world? When will the TV and Film producers realise that while they produce these programmes there is little chance of people in our world living in peace and happiness.
We are all part of a global family, but the idea that we have a responsibility to care for all members of the family is difficult for some to accept. In the ancient world, if you fell ill and were unable to support yourself and your family by working you could lose all you owned. Sadly, in many part of the world this is still happening.
Lord Jesus, you know what it is to suffer pain. As you call us to care for the sick, come with us with your presence, compassion and love. We prayer that all the agencies working to help the sick and hunger may receive funding to help all those in need, and political leaders may see people how you see them, and in doing so be filled with love and compassion for the people in need in our world.
Remembering those who died in Wars.
The 11th of November is a time to remember those who have lost their lives in Wars. Armistice Day, held on November 11th every year, commemorates the signing of the armistice between the Allies and Germany at 11 am on 11th November 1918 - the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month. On the nearest Sunday to the 11th people gather around the world at 11 am to hold a service of remembrance.
Although hostilities continued in some areas, the armistice essentially brought an end to four years of fighting in the First World War. In Britain, it is tradition to pause for a two-minute silence at 11 am on November 11th to remember those killed in the two world wars and the service-persons killed or injured since 1945. This is an important public act to remember those who have lost their lives and how important it is to work for peace, so that we can bring an end to all wars and conflicts. At the eleventh hour on 11th November please prayer for peace.
There are times when it is impossible to put into words the pain and anguish people are feeling after a tragedy when so many people have lost their lives. Why did this happen? We pray that the reasons why, so many people died, as the world watched Grenfell Tower, London UK being engulfed in flames, will be found and those whose action caused this fire will be brought to justice. We also pray for others in the world who have lost loved ones in tragedies and are still waiting answer from the Authorities. Amen.
When will we learn to love one another.
As we approach the World Day against Trafficking in Persons (30th July) and the anniversary of the dropping of the Atomic bomb on Hiroshima (6th August) and Nagasaki (9th August), politicians seem unable to stop the people traffickers which is leading to the death and suffering of many thousands of people and they still talk of using Nuclear weapons which are weapons of mass destruction.
We all need to pray for an end to the needless suffering cause by human beings on each other and a willingness of politicians and other world leaders to bring an end to needless suffering and work for world peace. Amen.
The greatest gift is love.
According to St Paul in 1 Corinthians 13 the greatest gift is love. People may speak fine words and have great knowledge and power, but these are nothing without love. Love is patient, kind, it is not jealous or conceited or proud. Love is not ill-mannered, selfish or irritable. Love never gives up and its faith, hope and patience never fail. What a great world it would if all the world’s leaders’ government by love, caring for people, were not greedy or selfishness and treated people justly.
Easter is a time for renewal:
During Easter we remember Jesus was crucified because of human sin, but God brought him back to life. We all have things in our live which need to be addressed. Easter is a time to throw out the things that separate us from God, and making a fresh start, which will reflect God’s love for us, as shown through Jesus. We can show that love by living in a loving and caring relationship with others.
May love and peace control all our actions.
Christian Aid, seven daily devotions.
(This is a summary of a seven-day devotion produced by Christian Aid full details on Christian Website)
Day 1: Matthew 25:31-36. The gathering of the nations before the Son of Man, who commends those who have been compassionate. It raises the idea that communities and countries, not just individual have collective responsibility to care for those in need.
Lord, I know what you require of me. So please strengthen me today that I may act justly, love, show mercy and walk humbly before you my God.
Day 2: Matthew 12:46-50. The passage develops the thought in day 1 “I was hungry and you gave me something to eat” (Matthew 25.35) We are all part of a global family, but the idea that we have a responsibility to care for all members of the family is difficult for some to accept.
Lord Jesus, I want my faith to be so alive that I can follow you in all things. Help me see people how you see them, and in doing so fill me with love and compassion for the world.
Day 3: Revelations 22.17. All living things need water. It’s no wonder the Bible speaks repeatedly of water, often with reference to God’s coming, and God as the water of life. “I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink” (Matthew 25.35)
Jesus Christ, Saviour, why do so many go thirsty in our world today? Lord may they not be forgotten by those who have water to give.
Day 4: Leviticus 19.33-34. In the passage the people of Israel are reminded that they were once strangers and encourages them to love foreigners as if they were their own people. With so many people who are refugees it important to remember the Bible teaching. “I was a stranger and you invited me in” (Matthew 25.35)
Lord Jesus Christ, help me to make room for strangers in need. In your mercy, bring them the comfort of your spirit and love.
Day 5: Isaiah 58:6-7. Who are ‘the naked’ in the passage from Isaiah? The context suggests they are those who have lost everything. This description fits with the traumatic experiences refugees suffer. It is also one with which Jesus identifies. “I was naked and you clothed me.” (Matthew 25.36)
Lord Jesus, how can I be one who reaches out to those who have lost everything? How can I clothe the naked? How can I bring hope?
Day 6: Mark 5.24-34. In the ancient world, if you fell ill and were unable to support yourself and your family by working you could lose all you owned. Sadly, in many part of the world this is still happening. “I was sick and you looked after me” (Matthew 25.36)
Lord Jesus, you know what it is to suffer pain. As you call us to care for the sick, come with us with your presence, compassion and love. We prayer that all the agencies working to help the sick and hunger may receive the funding to help all those in need.
Day 7: Luke 4.18-20. It is significant that at the start of his ministry, Jesus’ declaration of good news to the poor. Today people are in debt, with some being forced or tricked into slavery, others have been force from their homes. Many people are in prison because they disagree with the action of politician who wish to supress freedom of expression and others human rights. At the heart of this passage is acting and praying for the end of poverty and injustice which are a scandal in a world of plenty. “I was in prison and you came to visit me” (Matthew 25.36)
Lord, you are still to be found among the hungry, the thirsty and the stranger. Help us to know how we can stand with them and, in so doing stand with you. Amen.
Reflection on our troubled world.
We live in a very troubled world. People being shot, attacked with knives, suffering verbal and physical abuse, we have preachers of hate and politicians who think it’s okay for all people to have guns, even if they are suspected terrorists or have mental health problems. There are also many people who are being removed from their homes becoming victims of enforce disappearance, because politician or extremist groups do not like their views or opinions. Community leaders, whether they are politician, religious leaders, community leaders or business leaders, all need to work together to bring an end to the hate and violence that eats away at our society. We know that there are many good and caring people in the world who need support and protection from the people who hate. We must all pray for peace and a world where hate and violence are replaced by love and care.
A time of testing.
We are all go through a testing times, but not normally all of us at the same time. The Corona Virus requires us to restrict our activities. Ecclesiastes say there is a time for everything. Now is the time for social distancing and setting a side our selfish ways and think about the welfare of others. We must pray that God will bring this crisis to an end and hope that when this is over we will have a society that is less self-centred and cares more for those in need.
Take a look at the blogs. The current blog is updated every couple of weeks.
We witness through the media, nature disasters in someplace there are floods, in other parts of the world there are fires or Hurricanes ; all have take lives and left people homeless. Although most of us are unable to help, we can all pray for the victims and those helping with the rescue efforts. We can also support the people we know who are working to bring help to all in trouble and support those who are grieving the lose of their loved ones.
In the UK people in Manchester and London have been the victims of a terrorist acts, in which many people from around the world have died, some of these were children. These were acts of sheer barbarism. We prayer for the victims and the families and all affected by these acts. We also pray that our political leaders will work together to rid the world of the evil people who support and encourage these acts. Amen.
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