David Rogers Ministries
My book. "Through the darkness I saw the light", is available on Amazon. It is a series of reflection on our relationship with God.
My book. "Reflection on love and life," is available on Amazon. The reflections are design to help people to think about the challenges of life from a Christian perspective.
This site is being developed by David Rogers. It is not a commercial website. However it does seek to encourage people to help others without personal financial gain. Although some may find what the site says challenging, the aim of the site is to encourage people to think about the way we live our lives in the 21st Century.
The Sharing Path
The book is real-life story which highlight the challenges of caring for members of your family who have Motor Neurone Disease and Alzheimer’s.
The Story also tell how love came through tragedy, as two people who gave up their lives to care for others, find love as they support each other through difficult times.
Future events and dates of interest.
9 December International Day of Commemoration and Dignity of the Victims of the Crime of Genocide and of the Prevention of this Crime
9 December International Anti-Corruption Day
10 December Human Rights Day
18 December International Migrants Day
20 December International Human Solidarity Day
25th December Its Christmas. When we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.
18 -25 January Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
21-28 January Cervical Cancer Prevention Week
27 January Remember the Victims this Holocaust Memorial Day
29th January World Leprosy Day
Preaching dates:
29th December 2024 Shortlanesend, Cornwall UK 11.00 am
12th January 2025 St Agnes, Cornwall UK 10.30 am
26th January 2025 Threemilestone, Cornwall. UK 10.30 am.
I am also currently researching materials for a book and blog, plus voluntary charity work.
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